
If a Cell is a city 

Then the Organelles are the factories

Then what are the people?

. . . Proteins

Proteins Do Things!!

The cell is made up mostly of water

The rest of the cell is Biological Molecules


Proteins can be structural 

Proteins can be structural and functional 

Proteins can be functional 

Proteins can be messengers 

The function of proteins is determined by their structure - change their structure and you change their function - compare a motor protein to a ribosome

20 Amino Acids makes 100,000 Proteins

26 Alphabet letters makes 170,000 English words

The Human body has 25,000 genes - these code for 25,000 proteins - however, proteins are sometimes joined together to make other proteins so the human body actually has at least 100,000 different proteins in it.

However, there are only 20 types of amino acids. 

So how can only 20 amino acids code for over 25,000 proteins? 

That question is the same as asking, how can only 26 letters in the alphabet create over 170,000 English words?

Well it is the order of the letters. Likewise, it is the order of the amino acids

Amino acids are joined together in one after the other, like letters in a word

They are joined by a peptide bond to create a chain of amino acids

This chain of amino acids is called a polypeptide chain

This polypeptide chain then folds up - much like when you take a chain and place it on your table

The shape it folds up into is determined by the shape of the amino acids that it is made up of

Those 26 alphabet letters have different shapes - this is how we can read them 

Those 20 amino acids have different shapes - this is how they determine structure and function

Amino Acid sequence determines Protein Shape

Protein Shape determines Protein Function

My Lego truck next to my computer has both an A model and a B model - both models use all of the pieces of Lego. 

Their order of assembly changes the shape of the structure and thus the function of the structure  

These are built using 2 different Instruction sheets

These are built from different Genes

Using the same amino acids

The Lego blocks that a protein is made out of is called amino acids

There are 20 amino acids

Plants can make all 20 amino acids, using the glucose that they get from photosynthesis and the Nitrogen they get from nitrogen fixing bacteria in their roots

Humans have to eat most of the amino acids - those that we can make, we can only make by altering other amino acids

The sequence of amino acids in the chain determines the shape the chain will fold into. The shape the chain folds into determines the function of the protein. 

The instruction for the sequence of amino acids is kept in a Gene

Each Gene codes for a different protein - Humans have 25,000 Genes

The Genes are stored on Chromosomes - Humans have 23 Pairs of chromosomes

We have Pairs of chromosomes because we have pairs of parents

This also means we have pairs of genes - one copy from mum, one from dad

These pairs of genes are called alleles

There can be small differences in the alleles resulting in small changes to the protein

Similarly, a different allele of the A model could have no stickers or be missing a piece

Gene codes for a protein

Gene codes for a sequence of amino acids 

A sequence of amino acids forms a chain, a polypeptide chain

A polypeptide chain folds up into a protein

The sequence of amino acids determines the shape that the chain will fold up into

The shape determines function

Thus, a Gene codes for a protein

Below is a YouTube clip made by past students, also above is a screenshot of their website

Central Idea

Amino Acid sequence determines Polypeptide Chain folding , which determines Protein Shape, which determines Protein Function