Well, their sex cells have to meet
So that means that one sperm cell will be able to get its nucleus into a egg cell and the 2 nuclei (protonuclei) will become one
Once they become one nuclei, the chromosomes will now have their partners. As each chromosome is now a pair of chromosomes, it is a unique cell with a allele combination for its thousands of genes that has never occurred before and will never occur again. It is a unique moment, and unique set of instructions that will give rise to a unique individual
To get the unique pairing of chromosomes to make a unique individual, we need to step back. Those egg cells and sperm cells where they also unique? Well yes.
Firstly, those sex cells need to have just one of each chromosome so that when they meet they can make a pair
To have one of each chromosome, they must halve the number of chromosomes - as half of a pair is an individual
This process of halving the chromosomes from a stem cell to make a sex cell is called Meiosis
The product of Meiosis will either be egg cells (oocytes) or sperm cells
In woman the creation of the eggs happens while she herself is still in the uterus
In men the creation of sperm cells occurs after puberty starts
Women will make about 300,000 eggs, most of which will not be released
Men will make billions of sperm cells. Over 100 Million in each ejaculate
All you need is one egg and one sperm to make a baby
So how are these cells made
What are the steps of Meiosis?
And how do these steps affect our uniqueness and the variation seen within the human population?
Why does a normal cell have pairs of chromosomes?
Well, each cell has 23 from mum and 23 from dad
So there is Chromosome number 7
Chromosome number 7 from mum
Chromosome number 7 from dad
This makes a homologous pair
homo = same. So a homologous pair is Ch7 + Ch7 - they are paired up in homologous numbers; 1 with 1, 2 with 2, 3 with 3, and so on
So, one from each parent = a normal cell
This means for the Genes on Chromosome 7 we will get two sets; one from mum and one from dad
Thus for each gene we get a version from mum and a version from dad
So the Gene could be eye colour, then from mum we get on version of this gene and from dad we get another version, eg brown and blue. We call there versions of the genes, alleles.
So for each gene we get 2 alleles, one from mum and one from dad
Sometimes these 2 alleles are the same, e.g. brown eyes with brown eyes. We call these homozygous alleles. If they are different, we will call them heterozygous alleles.
But, how do we get these pairs?
How do we get one from mum and one from dad?
Meiosis is how Sex cells are made. So how does it work
Well, surprisingly it starts with DNA duplication
So the chromosome number starts with 2n and then becomes 4n
The cell then splits like it normally does, and we get two cells that are 2n
But then...... the cell splits again!!!!!!
No duplication or anything like that, it just moves the pairs or chromosomes to either side of the cell. Like the 2n becomes n space n. And then it splits! Each new cell is just n. That n will randomly be part of the pair, which one of the pair it is is completely random.
This makes a grand total of 4 cells that are all n
We start with one 2n, diploid, cell.
We end with four n, haploid, cells.
So if we follow the number of chromosomes it goes 2n, 4n, 2n, n
If we follow the number of cells it goes 1, 1, 2, 4
So 1 cell with 2n
Then that one cell does DNA duplication during Interphase and we get 4n
Then that cell does PMATC and becomes 2 cells that are both 2n
Then those two 2n cells do PMAT again and become 4 cells that are all just n.
If we play through the cell cycle for Meiosis it goes:
Interphase - DNA Replication
Prophase 1 - DNA condenses into visible chromosomes, nucleus goes poof - crossing over occurs
Metaphase 1 - Chromosomes line up in the middle independently
Anaphase 1 - Chromosomes are pulled apart
Telophase - New nucleus, cell starts to split
Cytokinesis - Cell has fully split
Prophase 2 - DNA condenses into visible chromosomes, nucleus goes poof
Metaphase 2 - Chromosomes line up in the middle independently
Anaphase 2 - Chromosomes are pulled apart
Telophase 2 - New nucleus, cell starts to split
Cytokinesis 2 - Cell has fully split
Now you have 4 sex cells that each only have 23 individual chromosomes
The clip here is very good.
Meiosis results in 4 cells
These 4 cells have half the number of original chromosomes
These 4 cells have just one of each chromosome pair
These 4 cells are haploid, as indicated by 1n
These 4 cells are sex cells
Sex cells are either Sperm Cells or Egg Cells
Sex cells are called Gametes
The spot where they cross over is called the chiasma
Multiple Chiasma are called Chiasmata as the plural for Chiasma
If you look at these homologous chromosomes above, you will see that they all actually cross over, the red and green on at just one location and the orange and yellow at multiple locations
The point of all this crossing over is to make the 4 homologous chromosomes each as unique as is possible
Thus increasing the variation of traits in the offspring
Something unusual happens during Meiosis Prophase 1
The non-sister homologous chromosomes have a cuddle
For instance Chromosome 7 from mum will cuddle with ch7 from dad
During this, they swap parts - like a hug where people switch their arms
Because these homologous non-sister chromosomes do this swapping, you can end up with different alleles on the chromatids as shown in the clip below
There are multiple places where these chiasma can occur, thus there is multiple possibilities for the allele combinations on the new recombined (recombinant) chromosomes.
The cuddles of cross-over occurs during prophase 1, they are then ripped apart during Anaphase. Each daughter cell at the end of Meiosis will have unique allele combinations
Independent Assortment
Independent Assortment
When the chromosomes line up side by side during Metaphase, which one of the chromosomes will be on the right, and which one on the left?
If we take Chromosome 7, then is it:
Ch 7 maternal, then Ch 7 paternal
Or is it
Ch 7 paternal, then Ch 7 maternal
The same then applies to the other chromosomes, all 23 of them must line up and for each of them the it will be completely random as to which one, maternal or paternal, is one the right or the left
So for the first 3 chromosomes it might be:
ch1 M ch1 P
ch2 M ch2 P
ch3 P ch3 M
Or it might be
ch1 P ch1 M
ch2 M ch2 P
ch3 P ch3 M
Or it might be
Ch1 P Ch1 M
Ch2 P Ch2 M
Ch3 P Ch3 M
So there are multiple possible combinations
Carry this on for all 23 chromosomes you will then see that there are 2^23 possible combinations (8 million possibilities)
The assortment of the maternal and paternal chromosomes along the middle of the cell is independent
Thus this is called, Independent Assortment
If Independent Assortment gives rise to 8 million possible combinations, then you chuck in the random nature of cross-over and then each gamete produced by meiosis gives an un-calculable level of uniqueness
Once combined with the random nature of mate selection, and then the random sperm that wins the race to fertilize the random egg that was released then the individual created is infinitely unique