Sci 1.10 Life Processes AS90949
Seeds and Leaves
NZ Curriculum Level 6 Year 11 Achievement Standard 90949 Life Processes
This investigation involves collecting information about life processes and environmental factors that affect them.
The information may come from a variety of sources such as direct observations, collection of experimental data, resource sheets, photos, videos, websites, and reference texts.
Life processes may be selected from: support and movement, reproduction, sensitivity, growth, excretion, nutrition, and gas exchange. At least two of these processes must be selected.
Environmental factors that affect life processes may be internal or external factors and may include: temperature, pH, light intensity, photoperiod, moisture levels, concentration of gases, hormone levels, and nutrient supply.
Biological ideas relating to a life process include the following:
• structural features of the organism such as its organ system or tissues as appropriate to the organism
• functioning of the components of any organ system or tissues
• identifying the biological processes carried out by the organ system or tissues
• environmental factors that affect the life process.
Assessment: Portfolio of recorded information and research and Written test
NZQA link 90949
The Three Components
Component 1: Teaching and Learning
You will complete a number of learning activities:
You will draw and label a germinated seed and relate the key structures to their role in the plant’s life processes.
You will discuss enzyme structure and activity
You will relate the key structural features of a plant leaf to their role in photosynthesis.
You will discuss the implications of environmental factors on plants.
Component 2: Investigation Component (Collaborative and Individual)
You will complete a number of learning activities:
· You will investigate the effect of an environmental factor on germination.
· You will investigate the effect of an environmental factor on photosynthesis.
Check all data and information from practical investigations have been recorded in the student’s portfolio of work. These could include; drawings from observations / examinations / dissections, results from investigations, notes from videos, class discussions, processed information from internet sites and textbooks, annotated diagrams, and formal notes.
Component 3: Formal Writing (Individual)
Following the teaching and investigation component, you will write your assessment. The task will require you to discuss how seeds germinate and how leaves carry out photosynthesis and relate these to their life process. In addition, you will also be required to discuss how environmental factors affect these life processes and the implications of this on the organism.
Learning Intentions
1. Identify and explain the structure and functions of a seed
Draw and label a diagram of a seed including the:
plumule, radicle, cotyledon, micropyle and testa
Describe the structure and function of all of the parts of a seed
Describe the features of the seed and relate them to their role in the stages of germination.
Explain how the structure of seeds and leaves aid life processes (especially - cellular respiration)
2. Describe and discuss the life processes of germination
Define germination
Identify where the processes of germination fit in to the life cycle of plants
Explain the significance of germination to the life cycle of plants
Label a diagram with the root (radicle) and shoot (plumule).
List all the conditions needed for germination to occur
Describe how the environmental conditions of water availability and temperature affect germination of a plant
Describe the function of enzymes
Explain how the environmental factors of water and temperature affects germination and link this to enzyme activity.
Carry out an investigation to determine the effects of environmental factors on germination of a plant
Comprehensive investigation and discussion, which includes implications of environmental factors for the germination and survival of the plant
3. Identify and explain the structure and functions of a leaf
Draw a cross section of the leaf and label:
waxy cuticle, epidermis, palisade layer, spongy mesophyll, vascular tissues/bundle (xylem and phloem), stomata and guard cells.
Carry out a leaf tear and view vascular bundles.
Explain the function of the parts that make up a vascular bundle.
Explain how the features of the leaf help the plant to carry photosynthesis and the movement of oxygen, carbon dioxide or water.
4. Describe and discuss the life processes of photosynthesis
Define photosynthesis
Write in words and symbols the photosynthesis equation
Explain the significance of photosynthesis to the life cycle of plants
Explain how the features of the leaf help the plant to carry photosynthesis and the movement of oxygen, carbon dioxide or water.
Explain how the environmental conditions of light intensity, temperature and carbon dioxide availability affect the rate of photosynthesis of a plant
Carry out an investigation to determine the effects of environmental factors on photosynthesis of a plant
Comprehensive investigation and discussion, which includes the implications of environmental factors for the photosynthesis n and survival of the plant
Key Terms
Seed, Radicle, Plumule, Cotyledon, Micropyle, Testa, Germination, Enzyme, Survivability, Photosynthesis, Environmental factor, Light intensity, Temperature, Carbon dioxide availability, Oxygen concentration, Chloroplast, Chlorophyll, Rate of reaction, Cross section, Waxy cuticle, Epidermis, Palisade layer, Spongy mesophyll, Vascular bundle, Xylem, Phloem, Stomata, Guard cells
Success Criteria
Describe the life processes of germination and photosynthesis
Identify the structures involved in germination and photosynthesis
Analyze and Interpret experimental data related to each life process
Identify an environmental factor affecting germination
Explain the functions or structures for the life processes
Explain the effects of environmental factors on the life processes
Make links between environmental factors and the life processes of photosynthesis and germination. Including implications for the organism
Note: Discuss Enzymes
For Merit
How and why the two life processes, Germination & Photosynthesis, are affected by Plant Adaptations and Environmental Factors.
a. Providing one reason each explaining how and why the Adaptations help the plant to better Germinate and Photosynthesis.
b. How and why the two life processes are affected by TWO environmental factors (Two factors for each life process)
For Excellence
For Excellence You need to comprehensively explain by elaborating, justifying, evaluating, analyzing:
a. Comprehensively explain At least one environmental factors that affects Germination AND at least one that affects photosynthesis
c. Comprehensively explain how the structure of seeds and leaves (adaptations) aid associated life processes