

Inhalation and Exhalation

 or is it Inspiration and Expiration..

To inhale, the diaphragm contracts, pulling on the bottom of the ribs, causing it to straighten (rather than being curved upwards) this increases the space inside the rib cage. 

At the same time the External Intercostal muscles contract, causing the rib cage to change shape, with the bottom of it spreading outwards, again increasing the space inside the rib cage. 

As the space increases inside the ribcage (the pleural cavity) the lungs expand to occupy this space. This decreases the pressure inside the lungs relative to the outside space. Air flows from an area of higher pressure to an area of lower pressure, so air pours into the lungs. 

To exhale the diaphragm relaxes and the intercostal muscles relax, the ribcage springs back to its rest state. To exhale with force, like when you are blowing up a balloon, your abdominal muscles get involved, pulling down on the rib cage, pulling the bottom of the rib cage down into a smaller space. At the same time the Internal Intercostal muscles pull the rib cage down making it smaller as well.

It is the bottom of the ribs that move the most. You can test this by doing the following: 

Although the greatest range of movement is at the bottom of the ribs, the pressure change inside the lungs is equal

Side note, when you eat 'spare ribs' you are eating the internal and external intercostal muscles. 

Structure of the lungs

Trees follow the pattern of:

Lungs follow the pattern of:

Alveoli look like grapes and the Alveolar Sacks look like bunches of grapes.

The arterioles and venules meet on these grapes. Connecting through the capillaries that wrap around the alveoli

Alveoli + Capillaries = Gas Exchange

The alveoli are only 1 cell thick. 

Capillaries are only 1 cell thick. 

So the oxygen and carbon dioxide only need to cross two cells!

As for all animals, there needs to be liquid for gas exchange to work. Our lungs are lined with liquid. Oxygen moves from the air into the liquid, then through the wall of the alveoli into the capillaries. 

This liquid contains surfactant. Pulmonary Surfactant. This is a slippery substance that stops the walls of the alveoli from sticking together. 

The liquid in the lungs is mostly water. Water is attracted to water, so if the lungs are wet and they touch, it could act like two planes of glass with water between them, stuck together and painful. The Surfactant stops the alveolar from getting stuck together.  

Gas Exchange

Air contains 78% Nitrogen. This just moves in and out of your lungs

Air contains 20% oxygen

When this is inhaled it goes into the alveoli. 

This 20% oxygen in the alveoli is more than the amount of free oxygen in the deoxygenated blood

Because there is more oxygen in the alveoli than in the blood the oxygen will diffuse from the alveolar into the bloodstream. The oxygen is then bound into the hemoglobin in the red blood cells, effectively making it 'disappear' from the blood stream, allowing the continued diffusion of oxygen into the blood stream until all of the hemoglobin is holding oxygen. 

Air contains 0.03% Carbon Dioxide. This is less then the amount of Carbon Dioxide in the blood in the alveoli. So, the Carbon Dioxide diffuses from the blood into the alveolar air space.

Gas exchange in the Alveoli just follows the diffusion gradients for the gases. 

Blood going to the alveoli has high carbon dioxide and low oxygen. Whilst the Alveoli air space has high oxygen and low Carbon Dioxide

Due to cellular respiration, when you exercise you produce more carbon dioxide and need more oxygen. 

The heart will beat faster to move blood from the muscles to the lungs and back again faster. So, the CO2 from the muscles can not build up and the muscles get the oxygen that they need for aerobic respiration.

You breath more and deeper, ensuring that diffusion in the alveoli is as efficient as possible, thus the blood doesn't need to spend as much time there so it can zoom through with the pace set by the heart that's beating faster.

Ventilation, External Respiration, Internal Respiration, Cellular Respiration



External Respiration 

Internal Respiration

Advanced Respiratory System