
AS90927 Biology 1.3 Achievement Standard 90927 Biological Ideas Relating to Micro-organisms. AKA Microbiology

The Pages

Demonstrate understanding of biological ideas related to micro-organisms

Achieved = demonstrate understanding = define, draw diagrams, characteristics

Merit = In depth = explaining

Excellence = Comprehensive = linking ideas, elaborating, explaining, justifying, applying, relating, comparing and contrasting, analyzing, evaluating

Micro-organisms = Bacteria, Fungi, Viruses

Biological ideas = Structure, culturing, life processes, environmental factors that affect life processes

Life processes = Nutrition, Growth, Respiration, Reproduction, Excretion (just Reproduction for Viruses) (note, no sensitivity or movement)

Environmental Factors = Temperature, Oxygen, Nutrients, Moisture, Competition, Chemicals = pH, disinfectants, toxins, antibiotics

Environmental factors on Life processes = nutrient cycling in ecosystems, food production and preservation, food poisoning, sewage treatment, disease in plants, microbes on everyday materials, antibiotics, antibiotic resistance and genetic mutation in epidemiology

Absolutely key terms: inoculate, extracellular digestion, enzyme, parasite, pathogen, toxin, decomposer, aerobic, anaerobic, hyphae, binary fission, spores, sporangium, antibiotic, vaccine

Learning Intentions

Bacteria Life Processes

I can define the key structures of bacteria

Draw and label a diagram of bacteria

Describe how bacteria carry out life processes: MRS GREN

Write the correct word equation for aerobic and anaerobic respiration

I can explain the function of the key structures of bacteria

Culture bacteria on a sterile nutrient agar plate and explain its growth

Analyse a sigmoidal bacterial growth curve

Compare and contrast the differences between anaerobic vs. aerobic respiration

I can relate the role of each part of bacteria to its survival.

Discuss the environmental factors that affect the life processes of bacteria (temperature, oxygen, nutrients, water, pH, chemicals, antibiotics and competition)

Fungi Life Processes

I can define the key structures of fungi

Draw and label a diagram of fungi

Describe how fungi carry out life processes: MRS GREN

Grow common black fungus on bread

I can explain the function of the key structures of fungi.

Culture fungi growth on a medium

Grow common black fungus on bread

I can relate the role of each part of fungi to its survival

Discuss the environmental factors that affect the life processes of fungi (temperature, oxygen, nutrients, water, pH, chemicals, antibiotics and competition)

Virus Life Processes

I can define the key structures of viruses

Draw and label a diagram of viruses

Describe how viruses can only carry out reproduction

I can explain the function of the key structures of viruses

Explain why viruses cannot be grown on a medium

Draw and explain the lytic cycle of a virus

I can relate the role of each part of virus to its survival

Discuss the lack of life processes in a virus

The importance of Enzymes

I can define the function of enzymes

Label the enzyme, substrate and active site in an enzyme-substrate complex

State how nutrient availability and space effect the MRS GREN of microbes

Draw and describe the optimum activity curve for temperature and pH

Explain why enzymes denature with changes in temperature

I can discuss methods used in the food industry to apply the effects of environmental factors in order to carry out food preservation

Discuss methods used in food preservation and link them to enzyme activity

Pathogens and Disease

Define "disease" and "pathogens"

Outline how pathogens can be transmitted

Explain how diseases make us sick

Describe how the immune system functions to defend against disease in humans

Describe the fungal antibiotic effect on bacteria

Describe the effect of a fungal, bacterial or viral infection in animals and plants

Describe ways in which pathogens are discouraged from entering the body

Discuss why bacteria become resistant to antibiotics.

Nutrient Cycling

Draw and label the processes involved in the carbon cycle and nitrogen cycle

Name the processes of carbon movement through the carbon cycle

Explain the microbial steps in nitrogen fixation and in the conversion of ammonia to nitrite to nitrate.

State the equation for nitrification, denitrification and ammonification

Explain why elements need to be recycled on earth

Describe how carbon moves from each storage location in the carbon cycle

Describe the carbon sinks

Discuss how microorganisms are helpful in composting and the treatment of sewerage.

Discuss the role of fungi in decomposition in composting

Discuss the role of bacteria and fungi in decomposition in sewerage treatment

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