The Law of the Conservation of Energy

The Law of the Conservation of Energy states that Energy can not be created or destroyed, it can only transfer or transform.

Transfer = go from one place to another

Transform = go from one form to another (like the cartoon transformers, robots in disguise) eg. from electrical to light in your monitor

The Law of the Conservation of Energy means that all the Energy in the Universe is Fixed. 

It is the same now as it was in the second after the Big Bang, it has been the same ever since, and it will still be the same at the end of the universe. 

Einstien's equation E=mc2  makes it slightly easier to understand Energy. 

He effectively says that mass and energy are the same thing; mass is energy slowed down. Mass is condensed Energy.

So, if you can break mass down atoms down, you get energy = Nuclear Energy.

This is what happens in the Sun = 4 Hydrogen atoms are fused to make 1 helium atom, but its mass is slightly less than the mass of 4 Hydrogen atoms, this lost mass is now energy moving at the speed of light - it is light. 

This light then powers life on our planet through photosynthesis. We eat things, we move (kinetic) we are warm bodies (heat) we talk (sound) so we transform the lost mass of the universe (nuclear energy, then light energy, then chemical energy) into other forms of energy. 

When we are alive we are always turning some of our energy into heat energy. If we exercise, go for a run, we get sweaty - because we are turning more of this energy into heat energy. When we pass away our bodies go cold.

All energy ends up as heat energy, radiating off into the universe

Watch the Clip to the side that says "When a physics teacher knows his stuff - this shows the consequence of friction causing energy in the system turning into heat energy

The energy In 

 Work = Force x distance

Work = weight force x distance

(weight = gravity x mass)

(vertical distance = height)


Force x distance = mass x gravity x height

Work = GPE

Energy out

Kinetic Energy + Heat Energy + Sound Energy 

Professor Dave to the side explains this very well 

Have a play with Systems Below 

This is the Law of the Conservation of energy: Energy can not be created or destroyed, it just changes forms (Transforms) or moves places (Transfers)

The amount of energy in the universe is NOT Infinite

Rather, there is only a finite amount of energy in the universe 

Energy cannot be created

 Energy cannot be destroyed

Rather, it just changes forms

Forever changing

But what is Energy?

It is surprisingly hard to define - but I see it as being, the ability to do stuff

Without energy the universe would be like a dark, frozen photograph. Everything frozen, nothing moving, no life, no heat, and no anything, as matter is condensed energy. 

Energy, moreover the transfers and transformations of energy allow everything to happen.........everything! Light, a thought, an emotion, the moon orbiting the earth, the light and heat of the sun..... everything!

So, if we go through a brief history of the energy you are using to read this, it will look like: 

Big bang, nuclear fusion, light energy , photosynthesis, chemical potential energy in grass, chemical potential energy in sheep, chemical potential energy in you, kinetic energy in the muscles of your eyes, heat energy 

Energy keeps changing forms, or Transforming 

Energy can transform from and to any of the types showing in the images below

Energy can be stored Potential Energy, such as Chemical PE, Nuclear PE, Gravitational PE or Elastic PE

Energy can be moving, like Light Energy, Thermal, Sound, Electrical or Kinetic

Heat Energy Escapes

Why does a skateboard eventually stop when launched from the top of a Vert or Halfpipe ramp?

Imagine it going from the top where it has GPE, down where it is decreasing its GPE and increasing its EK as it speeds up, then back up the other side, where its GPE increases as it goes up the other side but it slows down so EK decreases. Then it gets up as high as it can, then it stops for a nanosecond, it now has no Ek just GPE - but not as much GPE as it started with? Why not?

GPE = EK + Heat = GPE  + Heat Energy = EK + Heat Energy = GPE + Heat = EK + Heat

But Heat Energy escapes the system

Have a play at the Energy Skate Park PHET below 

Energy Efficiency

Heat is always lost from a system. 

Often you cannot use this energy. For example a human running - the energy used to make you warmer is effectively unusable energy. (on the other hand, shivering when you are cold is useful energy. 

Another example is a car engine - it gets hot on your drive to school. This heat is again wasted energy. The energy you wanted from the burning of your petrol was Kinetic Energy to move the car forward. You add oil to the engine to reduce friction. This makes it more efficient. 

To calculate the energy efficiency of the engine you take how much energy you get out that you wanted OUT of the system (Kinetic Energy) and divide it by the energy going IN to the system (Chemical potential energy in the petrol) then x100 to get a percentage. 

Energy Graphs

Friction turns Kinetic Energy into Heat Energy

This is also why your brakes get hot and your tires smoke if you stop really fast in a car - the friction between the brake pads and the brake disc, and the friction between the tires and the road.

Actually the only reason you ever stop - in your car - on your Mountain bike - is because of heat energy lost due to friction. Try stopping your bike or car on ice - no friction means no heat energy lost which means no stop. 

If we put a person on a Skateboard ramp, and look at the energy graph, we will see that the Total Energy is equal to the Gravitational Potential energy

Then as they go down the ramp, we see that the potential decreases and the kinetic increases

At the bottom of the ramp, it is all Kinetic and no more potential - BUT - the kinetic does not equal the total. Why not?

Have a look at Thermal Energy 

Due to Friction in the skateboard wheel bearings

Friction with the air molecules

Friction is the interaction of 2 or more substances moving past each other - this ALWAYS generates heat energy 

You can use grease and oil and lycra to decrease the friction, but there will always be some 

As long as there is Friction, there will be energy transformed into Heat Energy

This heat energy radiates out into the universe

Each time she goes up and down the ramp what happens to the height she reaches?

As she goes up and down the ramp more and more times her height each time decreases.

This is because less of the total energy is able to be turned back into potential energy each time, as every time heat energy is also created, thus reducing the total usable energy.

This continues until she eventually comes to a stop

At the stop point, all of the Initial Energy as been Transformed into Heat energy

Perpetual Motion 

Because there will always be some energy lost from the system as heat energy due to friction of the parts, how do perpetual energy machines that you see on tictok etc work?

Have a watch of the Transparent Youtube above 


Without Energy everything stops

You need energy to move

When your car runs out of energy, it stops moving

When your phone runs out of energy, you stop scrolling

When your laptop runs out of energy, electrons stop moving

When a tree runs out of energy, transpiration stops, the tree falls down.

When you run out of energy, you stop moving and are buried

Without energy, everything stops. 

So energy is needed for things to move

Energy can be quantified - given numbers

My PC uses more energy than my Laptop

A branch will burn for longer than a twig

It takes more energy to run to school than to walk

A chocolate bar will give you more energy than a weetbix

For us humans, us animals, 100% of our energy comes from our food. 

Sitting in the sun might make you feel more awake, going for a run will get your heart pumping faster and giving a speech will make you sweat - but only Food will give you energy.

Have a look at the back of a chocolate bar and weetbix and it will tell you how much energy they have per 100 grams and per serve

Notice it is in Joules

Joules is the Unit for energy

K means 1000 - like if you buy a car for 8K that means 8000 dollars

So K means 1000, K= Kilo, so Kilo also means 1000

Kilojoules is simply 1000 Joules

Entropy and Thermodynamics

Heat is the dispersal of energy, away from the concentration of energy in a system (concentrated as chemical potential energy in batteries) and dispersed into the universe (heating up air molecules, that go on to heat up other air molecules that radiate heat to the universe and cool back down) - This is Entropy - You learn about that more next year. You don't have to learn about this yet. But you might want to watch these videos anyway

Don't worry, the Laws of Thermodynamics are Year 12 Level 2 Chem and Physics :-)

Past paper Powerpoint

 Questions and Answers

Energy Graphs Questions and Answers